Dear friends, following are some of the important economic themes for this 2014.
As always we welcome any feedback, I have mode detailed information about each of the topic discussed below but I have summarised the content to fulfil the purpose of this blog which is meant to be informative but not the place where to analyse in depth each subject. If anybody is interested in additional information please connect with me directly using the contact form at or
Increasing Income Inequality (Graph)
Any alarm in the banking sector would have repercussion on the valuation of the sovereign debt. The vast amount of Spanish government debt is in fact held internally by domestic banks.
Similar trends are not exclusive to the UK manufacturing industries but also in the USA where industrial reshoring has been a key theme of 2013. In the USA the trend is predicated on the falling energy prices (“fracking revolution).
Reasons for Re-Shoring (UK)
We indicate few countries that are likely to hit particular consumption degradation at the rising of interest rates: Canada, Netherlands and Sweden. These countries experienced a fair amount of household leverage during the last 10 years with no sign of decrease since 2008.
Please contact the Affinitas Consulting team ( for any additional query or information.
We recommend a cautious investment approach to 2014. While at the turning of the year many media outlets run big optimistic titles for 2014 we remain instead very prudent and skeptical about the health of the global economy. We see several reasons for weakness especially in the equity sector. Clearly, as always even weaknesses or a downturn uncover opportunities for successful money making but we leave those strategies to the people in the field and we would rather concentrate the following analysis on long term trends likely to affect economic growth instead.
The tapering of the US QE exercise is bound to have ripple effects globally, especially across the emerging market economies.
We reckon the US economy is not as healthy as mainstream media believes and we expect the Feds to evaluate tapering sometimes after Summer when additional signs of weaknesses are going to appear. Now that the elections in Germany are over and done with, and the upcoming banking stress test from the ECB looming we expect the Eurozone to create some waves again. Spain and Italy are bound to catch the spotlight: the first because of weaker than expected banking system and the latter because we expect the government to be challenged in the coming months.
Bottom line: it may be time to cash out on the equity gains accrued over the last few months and wait for bargains during the volatility that is bound to take place due to the tightening moves of the next few months. Some institutional investors or asset allocators may look into specific infrastructure projects which have demonstrated a low correlation with equity markets oscillations.
Investors or asset allocators may also explore and evaluate financial instruments that have as objective the isolation of the interest rate differentials.
The tapering program announced by the Federal Reserve is going to be one of the key elements behind a likely appreciation of the USD against the other G10 currencies.
I believe we will see an even appreciation of the currency throughout 2014. While portfolio flows in 2013 definitely favoured Europe we believe that strong equity valuation discounts eliminated any chance for further growth hinderances.
In addition US Banks are decreasing their exposure against foreign borrowers and we see this as a clear sign that the USD is no longer used as a funding currency but rather as a destination for investment.
With specific regard to the USD/EUR rate we simply believe that in spite of the PR coming from the EU there are significant unresolved problems in the Eurozone that are bound to flare again at any time (more below on this topic - EU problems all over again).
We are forecasting the following key rate: 1.20 $/EUR
USD Investment Destination (Graph)

This topic is directly linked to a phenomenon that many economists have been discussing for more than a decade: the decoupling of productivity and wage growth, the so called Jaw of the Snake.
The decoupling between productivity and wage started to appear around the beginning of the 80s, we believe that the spread of the personal computer and the adoption of information technology greatly favoured this trend.
Fundamentally: since 1990 German labor productivity increased by 25% with no appreciable difference in wage growth; in the US labour productivity has increased to-date 85% versus only 35% of the hourly wage. In a study published in 2012 & 2013 by the International Labour Organisation we learned that the share of labor as part of the gross national income has declined since 1975 by more than 10% across the 16 high-income economies.
This allows for a redistribution of the national income away from labor and in favour of capital owners.
ILO (International Labour Organisation) research goes therefore at the core of the problem: the decline in the labor share of the national income hinders aggregate demand; that is because the consumption propensity from labour income is much higher than the propensity to consume out of capital income.
We therefore believe that pressure on corporate profit will come directly from the spreading income inequality that is accelerating in many of the G10 economies. In fact, lower aggregate demand lowers government tax collection, and further hinders the ability and willingness of companies to invest.
Adjusted Labor Income Shares (Graphs)

Increasing Income Inequality (Graph)
While the marketing machine hails the Banking Accord of 2013 we believe that its positive effects will take very long time to take effect, and during this time a lot can and will happen. Be aware that the resolution fund part of the accord will not reach its target till 2026!
Throughout 2014 there are going to be several junctures testing the solidity of the union and especially its banking system. We expect the upcoming banking stress test by the ECB to be one of such tests. It is likely that the test is going to uncover the requirement for additional capital especially in Spain, Greece and Italy. The stress test is promised to be more stringent than the previous one, especially since the previous one proved to be inconclusive since after passing it with flying colors the Spanish Bankia, the Cyprus Laiki and the Franco-Belgium Dexia went belly up just months later.
We also believe that the Spanish economy hasn’t sufficiently deleveraged, especially in its real estate sector.
The figure below shows that notwithstanding the collapse of property prices, Spanish mortgage debt has adjusted by only half the magnitude of the US adjustment.
Any alarm in the banking sector would have repercussion on the valuation of the sovereign debt. The vast amount of Spanish government debt is in fact held internally by domestic banks.
IMF projections give the Spain structural deficit as one of the worst globally over the next five years. It is likely that additional fiscal tightening is going to be required in the upcoming future to meet the required targets.
We remain quite pessimistic in the future of the Euro zone in spite of the victory speeches of some of its leaders.
Since the local governments are going to be forced to fund their own bank bailouts till the European fund gets up-to-speed we expect a continuing shortage of credit. With a chronic shortage of credit given to the private sector we expect growth to remain weak or non existent for most of the EU countries and deflationary forces will remain at play during the entire year.
Reality will seep through in 2014 and equity returns should start to be driven by corporate earnings instead than Quantitative Easing operations by the central bank.
It is clear that Eurozone leaders have addressed some of the issues on hand and made significant steps forward, especially steps that have been blessed by the German leadership. Nevertheless these steps remain insufficient to resolve the disparity between the different countries in the zone and time may be running out before additional shocks are going to rock the system.
Reverse globalisation
Global trade hasn’t recovered to the same levels prior of the 2008 crisis and its growth remains below trend since 2011. Further note that additional data leads us to believe that there is an underlying trend of re-shoring currently in place.
The Manufacturing Advisory Services survey show that among 500 UK small and medium size companies interviewed a significant percentage of them was in the process of reshoring or thinking about it.
15% of the manufacturing business in the South East was already reshoring and an additional 25% of the companies was considering reshoring activities over the following 12 months.
Shipping Remains Subdued (Graph)
Similar trends are not exclusive to the UK manufacturing industries but also in the USA where industrial reshoring has been a key theme of 2013. In the USA the trend is predicated on the falling energy prices (“fracking revolution).
Over the next decade as labor cost rise in China and other Asian exporters we predict this trend to gain pace.
Shipping Indexes (Graph)

Reasons for Re-Shoring (UK)

As the monetary stimulus keeps on being retracted the lid that was put on government bond yields is going to be lifted little by little. It is therefore normal that interest rates sooner or later are expected to be raised.
Our point is that as this happens we expect service burdens for household to rise and therefore depress consumption expenditures.
Debt Servicing Costs
We indicate few countries that are likely to hit particular consumption degradation at the rising of interest rates: Canada, Netherlands and Sweden. These countries experienced a fair amount of household leverage during the last 10 years with no sign of decrease since 2008.
A study from the Canadian Chartered Accountants found that 29% of the respondents would struggle to keep up with payments if interest rate rose by 2% and further 29% would consider challenging more than 3%.
Canada, the USA and Sweden have a high proportion of non mortgage variable debt outstanding that is used for consumption. As monetary policy keeps on tightening over the course of 2014 investors are best to avoid any consumer centric type of equities.
Interest Rate Vulnerability (Graph)
Please contact the Affinitas Consulting team ( for any additional query or information.

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